Bloating, mental fatigue and tiredness due to underlying gut issues

  • Name: Dylan
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male


Case study 13 had the opportunity to meet the FixBIOME team at Retail Fest on the Gold Coast and decided to try the products. The individual was never diagnosed with IBS or gut issues but reported that they experienced bloating, mental fatigue, and general tiredness. They decided to give it a go and took the FixBIOME gut system after their wife wanted them to try it first.



Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 13 reported that they had tried multiple supplements and diets but had never seen a significant improvement in their symptoms.


  • Case study 13 stated that they took the FixBIOME gut system for almost a month and were amazed by the improvements in energy, wellness, and mental clarity.
  • They reported seeing great improvement in regularity and quality of bowel movements.
  • They noticed a reduction in bloating compared to before starting the FixBIOME gut system.

Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.

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