Gut issues since high school and diagnosed with SIBO 3 years ago

  • Name: Diana
  • Age: Not specified
  • Gender: Famale

Background & Problem

Case study 10 had been experiencing gut issues since high school, leading to years of pain and ongoing research to find a solution. Case study 6 was finally diagnosed in 2021 with SIBO and followed a low FODMAP diet for two years, seeing initial improvements but knew the diet was only safe and recommended by the pioneers of the diet for 6 weeks maximum.


Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 10 stated they visited numerous clinics and specialists
  • They adhered to a low FODMAP diet for two years, which helped control symptoms but never resolved their issue.



  • Case study 10 started with the FixBIOME gut system, and after 6 months, they experienced significant and transformative improvements.
  • They reported that for the first time in years, they considered their gut to be functioning “normally.”
  • They gained confidence in their body again.
  • They have seen notable improvements in mood, energy levels, and mental focus, feeling like a “cloud” of brain fog has been lifted..
  • They now enjoy meals out without discomfort and pain, which has improved their social life.
  • Case study 10 reported that they experienced intense die-off symptoms, including severe stomach aches that sometimes woke them at night but only for a few days, and it was worth it, but they did nearly stop.
  • They are committed to continuing the FixBIOME gut system to maintain her gut health and have seen fantastic long-term results by taking it once daily.

Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.

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