3 years of restricting gluten and dairy

  • Name: Anonymous
  • Age: Not specified
  • Gender: Famale

Background & Problem

Case study 11, who had no celiac disease and was not officially diagnosed with lactose intolerance, had to restrict gluten and dairy for three years due to severe discomfort that was caused upon consumption.

Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 10 stated that they had tried several diets to manage gut symptoms,
  • Case study 10 reported that they tried various probiotics to support gut health with mixed results, some making symptoms worse.
  • Case study 10 stated that they consulted many healthcare providers for managing symptoms.


  • Case study 11 took the FixBIOME gut system.
  • Their chronic bloating improved first.
  • After a few weeks, they slowly added gluten and dairy into their diet and noticed they didn't have the same adverse effects.
  • They noticed a significant boost in mood and energy levels
  • They experienced an improvement in levels of depression and anxiety
  • They expressed extreme satisfaction with the results, rating the experience “ten stars” and affirming the FixBiome gut system's life-changing impact.
  • Case study 11 didn't experience any die-off/detox symptoms, which they expected, given the severity of their gut issues and start point.


Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.

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