Food sensitivities, poor immune function and irregular bowel

  • Name: Anonymous
  • Age: Not specified
  • Gender: Not specified

Background & Problem

Case study 12 had been struggling with persistent gut issues (irregular bowel, feeling fatigued, food intolerance, poor immune function, bloating and gas) for years. Despite being advised to avoid trigger foods, their “lack of self-control” would sometimes lead them to consume these foods and subsequently suffer the consequences.

Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 10 stated that they had tried several diets to manage gut symptoms, including low FODMAP and elimination diets.
  • Case study 10 reported that they purchased and tried various supplements to support gut health with mixed results.


  • Case study 12 did the FixBIOME gut system for 6 months.
  • They noticed a reduction in chronic bloating within 4 weeks.
  • They were able to reintroduce gluten and dairy, and other trigger foods, such as onion, bread, and eggs, into their diet without the symptoms they used to face.
  • They noticed a significant improvement in skin health.
  • They reported having more energy
  • Case study 12 didn't experience any die-off/detox symptoms


Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.

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