Severe bloating, difficulty of sleeping, anxiety for years

  • Name: Gina
  • Age: Not specified
  • Gender: Famale

Background & Problem

Case study 4 experienced persistent digestive discomfort characterised by severe bloating sensitivity to multiple trigger foods (including eggs, garlic, onions, and lactose). They had issues with poor sleep, painful periods and anxiety.


Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 4 tried various approaches to manage their symptoms but has not seen any improvement or success.



  • Case study 4 decided to try the FixBIOME gut system,
  • They reported a significant decrease in bloating
  • They reported much better sleep and energy by the end of month one
  • They stated they found their periods were lighter and less painful now their gut health had improved
  • The individual also reported a reduction in food sensitivities, allowing them to reintroduce previously problematic foods such as eggs, garlic, onions, and lactose
  • Case study 4 would want to recommend FixBIOME gut system to others facing similar digestive problems

Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.

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