Chronic IBS for 25 years

  • Name: Sarah
  • Age: Not specified
  • Gender: Famale

Background & Problem

Case study 6 had been struggling with chronic IBS for over 25 years, characterised by severe constipation, bloating, gas, and general overall tiredness. Despite undergoing multiple endoscopies and colonoscopies, the symptoms persisted.


Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 6 tried multiple endoscopies and colonoscopies as recommended by their doctor, but nothing was found.
  • They did various things to improve their gut, like probiotics, prebiotics and laxatives.
  • They made dietary adjustments that didn't work well for them
  • Case study 6 also stated they tried numerous attempts to target SIBO and kill methanogens in the small intestine through antibiotics but found only slight relief


  • Case study 6 began using the FixBIOME gut system for their SIBO (Methane-dominant).
  • They experienced a significant improvement in stool formation, transitioning from consistently poorly formed stools to well-formed ones.
  • Notably, after using the FixBIOME gut system, they experienced a significant reduction in bloating, gas, and constipation, critical symptoms of SIBO.
  • They reported feeling much more energetic.
  • Cognitive clarity improved, with much less brain fog.
  • They stated that their quality of life improved after a few months of using the FixBIOME gut system.
  • They continue to take the FixBIOME gut system at a lower dose and have not faced a recurrence in symptoms or relapse.
  • The individual did not experience die-off /detox symptoms.

Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.

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