Improved energy, mood and weight gain

  • Name: Anonymous
  • Age: Mid-40s
  • Gender: Famale
Improved energy, mood and weight gain

Background & Problem

Case study 1 had chronic, debilitating health problems with a suspected root in gut health, exacerbated by ineffective treatments and long-term antibiotic use. Twelve years ago, following a holiday to the Dominican Republic, the individual experienced severe health deterioration marked by rapid weight loss (3 stone in 2 months) and an inability to retain food.

This has led to the development of multiple chronic conditions over time, including Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E), fibromyalgia, IBS, thyroid issues, chronic bloating and constipation, recurrent UTIs, generalised weakness, headaches, vertigo, frequent infections, lowered immunity, intolerance to dairy and probiotics.

Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 1 was on long-term antibiotics (3 years) with no significant improvement.
  • They reported trying various alternative remedies and supplements that had little to no effect.
  • They reported multiple consultations and hospital admissions without resolution.
  • They stated they experienced depression and social isolation.



  • Case study 2 reported that almost 90% of their gut issues were resolved by week 7 of using the Fixbiome gut system and they now take a lower maintenance dose and have sustained this level of improvement.
  • Their gut issues are now only triggered during stressful periods of work and are far more mild than before (5-10% of the severity).
  • Case study 2 has now believes in the value of natural products when dealing with gut issues and would encourage anyone who is sceptical like them to look at some of the research.
  • Case study 2 had no die-off symptoms.


Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.