Long-term digestive issues for 15 years

  • Name: Alissa
  • Age: Not Specified
  • Gender: Famale

Background & Problem

Case study 3 has been suffering from severe bloating and digestive issues for over 15 years. That has led to significant discomfort and frequent urgency to use the bathroom. They also had a chronic low mood and regular panic attacks. Seeking a solution, they started a course on the FixBIOME gut system.


Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 3 tried various treatments over the years, such as different supplements, antibiotics, and probiotics. They also went to multiple GPs and doctors and tried the elimination diet, elemental diet, and keto diet. They reported some provided temporary relief but symptoms returned as soon as other foods were introduced again and they still experienced low energy and chronic anxiety, despite a reduction in bloating while adhering to these diets.



  • Case study 3 tried the FixBIOME gut system and stated they saw improvements in the first few weeks.
  • Their mood has significantly improved, and they feel an increased level of daily well-being.
  • They have seen significant improvement in all gut-related symptoms.
  • They reported increased hair growth, which their hairdresser confirmed new growth is now forming at the scalp in the form of “baby-like hairs.”
  • Case study 6 stated they noticed large improvements in their skin that continue to get better and now have a “healthy glow”.
  • The individual said they experienced die-off symptoms like stomach cramps, but it was minimal.



Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.

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