Persistent constipation and food intolerance

  • Name: Anonymous
  • Age: Not specified
  • Gender: Famale

Background & Problem

Case study 9 experienced persistent constipation and food intolerances, leading to digestive discomfort and limitations in their diet. They tried a lot of supplements, diets, and over-the-counter medications and went to various doctors.

Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 9 tried different supplements to have regular bowels, but didn't provide any relief.
  • They consulted multiple doctors but were advised to try a Fodmap diet.


  • Case study 9 did the FixBIOME gut system for 15 weeks
  • They noticed a significant reduction in constipation, a primary concern. They now go to the bathroom regularly.
  • They can consume foods that would previously trigger symptoms without experiencing any reaction or discraft
  • Case study 9 expressed great satisfaction with the results, describing the experience as "awesome."
  • They continue to take the system at a lower dose.

Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.

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