Student with embarrassing gas and bloating

  • Name: Milla
  • Age: Mid-20s
  • Gender: Famale

Background & Problem

For three years, case study 18 struggled with an embarrassing level of gas and bloating.

They reported foul-smelling gas and bloating that impacted their social life and clothing choices. The condition caused significant embarrassment and discomfort, diminishing quality of life. Bloating was the worst by the end of the day, often interrupting the quality of their sleep and causing reflux from the pressure put on their stomach.

Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 18 tried various dietary changes and supplements with no relief.
  • They tried cutting out food groups (lactose, sugar, carbs) and eating only “clean” foods.
  • They did stool tests, blood work, and a full workup of medical tests. They all came back normal.


  • After trying the FixBIOME gut system, case study 19 experienced a significant reduction in gas frequency and smell.
  • They no longer experienced severe bloating, allowing them to comfortably wear any clothes they wanted for the first time in years.
  • Their sleep has significantly improved.
  • They report improvements in the libido.
  • Improvement in symptoms restored their confidence in social settings and public outings.
  • Overall, they reported a significant change in their quality of life.

Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.

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