Struggled with SIBO since 2021

  • Name: Shelley
  • Age: Not specified
  • Gender: Famale

Background & Problem

Case study 9 struggled with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) since 2021. Over the years, they had tried numerous interventions to fix their gut.

Previous Treatments/Results

  • Case study 3 tried adhering to specialised diets aimed at reducing SIBO symptoms but had not see a significant improvement and found this very limiting.
  • Case study 3 stated they tried plenty of supplements; however, many failed, and some made the issues worse.
  • Case study 3 reported that they also underwent colon hydrotherapy sessions
  • They tried intermittent fasting and various “detox” diets


  • Case study 9 reported significant positive changes by weeks 2 and 3 of the FixBIOME gut system.
  • They stated there was first a noticeable decrease in bloating
  • They noticed an improvement in digestion and the ability to consume lactose, dairy, vegetables and alcohol, which previously caused symptoms to trigger badly
  • Case study 9 stated that the first week was challenging, but they are not sure if it was related to the course or other factors going on in their life at the time (they also had the flu prior to starting the FixBIOME gut system)
  • The individual highly recommends the FixBIOME gut system, giving it more than five stars for its effectiveness and the positive changes experienced and will be a “customer for life” now taking a lower dose of the FixBIOME gut system to maintain results.

Individual results and experiences will vary. Always talk to your healthcare provider about what's right for you.

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